
Displays a command line interface that can be used to interact directly with the Oracle OLAP environment in a similar way to Oracle OLAP Worksheet or Oracle OX products.

The command line interface also offers access to MooScript which enables the developer to interact both with internal myObjectiveOLAP structures and Oracle OLAP structures through an automation layer.




Public Sub moo_CmdLine()

'Bring up the OLAP Console

Dim boo As Boolean

If Not oregistered Then:   boo = regQ:

'Check Im connected if not connect

If Not o.connected Then

   boo = o.connect

   boo = o.connected


   boo = True

End If

'Connected so bring up the command line

If boo = True Then

  boo = o.mooCmd_Line


   'Something went wrong print any error information

   Debug.Print "Unable to Connect"

   Debug.Print o.getlastmooerr

End If

End Sub

GUI Displayed: