Fast Reporting Functions

myObjectiveOLAP contains a number of functions which can enable large amounts of information to be transferred from your Oracle OLAP Database server to the client in a network efficient manner.

Three functions are provided:

·        mooFR

       Returns a two dimensional array from a variable in Oracle OLAP

·        mooFRDescDown

       Returns a one dimensional array on the Y axis from Oracle OLAP


·        mooFRDescAcross

       Returns a one dimensional array on the X axis from Oracle OLAP


An example reporting GUI application is available for download which utilises many of the functions of the myObjectiveOLAP API and includes use of the Fast reporting functions.  This is available from the myObjectiveOLAP Downloads page.


In the available example the use of the Fast Reporting functions are included in a subroutine not a function, this is intentional.  

You can not return an array from an external application to a VBA array within a function, instead you must use a subroutine.  Error trapping and control can still be accomplished by the use of Public or Global variables.