mooGetDimList ([Dimension Name], True/False)
The mooGetDimList function returns a one dimensional array containing dimension values from a dimension within Oracle OLAP.
The contents of the array passed back can then either be further processed in VBA or passed directly to a worksheet within Excel for reporting.
mooGetDimList observes the current status of the dimension passed to the function if the second boolean argument is either omitted or FALSE is passed.
If TRUE is passed as the second functional argument then mooGetDimList will temporarily open the dimension to all values by issuing a LIMIT [DIMENSION_NAME] to all statement before retrieving the list of dimension values. mooGetDimList will encapsulate the LIMIT ALL and dimension retrieval within a PUSH and POP statement ensuring the current dimensional limit is unaffected by the users request.
If the status of the dimension being requested is null then NA will be returned to VBA.
If the dimension does not exist or mooGetDimList detects that it is not connected to an Oracle OLAP enabled database then the 0 element of the array will contain any error information.
mooGetDimList ([Dimension Name], True / False)
Return Value
Sub listDimensions()
Dim d As Double 'Might be a long dimension
Dim arr() As String
Set moo = Application.COMAddIns.Item("myObjectiveOLAPXL.AddinModule").Object
arr = moo.mooGetDimList("ACCOUNT", True)
For d = 0 To UBound(arr)
Debug.Print (arr(d))
End Sub