
The loadSavedScript file acts as VBA available API to the Read OLAP Script myObjectiveOLAP functionality.

The API opens a standard Windows file system dialog box enabling the end-user to select a saved text file containing one or more valid OLAP DML statements.  The contents of the file are immediately executed when selection of the file is complete.

loadSavedScript returns the directory path and filename of the file being opened.


All text files should be saved with a ".moo" file extension.

An example of the loadSavedScript function is seen in the 2012-myObjectiveOLAP-FastExample example Excel workbook.



Return Value



Private Sub openSavedBTN_Click()

On Error GoTo EH

Set moo = Application.COMAddIns.Item("myObjectiveOLAPXL.AddinModule").Object

debug.print moo.loadSavedScript

Exit Sub


 MsgBox Err & ": " & Error(Err)

End Sub